Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 152

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Curriculum Vitae

Advanced Professional Positions

  • since 2019 Professorship for Ocular Gene Therapy at the Department of Ophthalmology,
    LMU Klinikum, LMU Munich
  • 2012 – 2019 Junior group leader in the DFG cluster of excellence "EXC 114: Center for
    Integrated Protein Science Munich (CIPSM)"
  • 2011 – 2019 ‘Privatdozent’ at the Department of Pharmacy – Center for Drug Research,
    LMU Munich
  • 2005 – 2011 Academic councilor at the Department of Pharmacy – Center for Drug Research,
    LMU Munich

Professional Experience and Postdoctoral Training

  • 2004 – 2005 Visiting scientist at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, TU Munich
  • 1999 - 2003 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pharmacy – Center for Drug Research,
    LMU Munich

Academic Education

  • 2011 Habilitation (Pharmacology), LMU Munich
  • 1999 – 2003 PhD Dissertation (Molecular Pharmacology), Department of Pharmacy – Center
    for Drug Research, LMU Munich
  • 1995 – 1999 Studies of Pharmacy, LMU Munich
    LMU Munich

Honours, Awards, Scholarships and Other Qualifications

  • 2021 Paper of the Quarter Award of the German Society for Gene Therapy
  • 2013 Habilitation prize of the Munich University Society
  • 2013 Thieme Award for Medicine of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Professional Activities, Memberships
  • since 2021 Editorial Board Member, Immuno
  • since 2021 Scientific Advisory Board Member of the EU Consortium UshTher
  • since 2020 Deputy Spokesman, Genetic Section of the German Ophthalmological Society
  • since 2020 Editorial Board Member, Pharmaceutics
  • since 2020 Editorial Board Member, Journal of Gene Medicine
  • since 2018 Co-Principle investigator, R24 NIH Research Grant, „Translational Gene Therapy
    for CNGB1 Retinitis Pigmentosa“
  • 2017 Scientific co-founder of ViGeneron GmbH, Planegg
  • since 2015 Board Member of the Graduate School Life Science Munich (LSM)
  • since 2012 Principal investigator, RD-CURE Project "Bringing Gene Supplementation
    Therapy for Inherited Retinopathies into Clinical Practice: A joint Tübingen-München-Project


  • Völkner M, Pavlou M, Büning H, Michalakis S#, Karl M#: Optimized adeno-associated virus vectors for efficient transduction of human retinal organoids. Hum Gene Ther, Mar 23, online ahead of print, 2021.
  • Murenu E, Pavlou M, Richter L, Rapti K, Just S, Cehajic-Kapetanovic J, Tafrishi N, Hayes A, Scholey R, Lucas R, Büning H, Grimm D, Michalakis S: A universal protocol for isolating retinal ON bipolar cells across species via fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 20:587-600, 2021.
  • Pavlou M, Schön C, Occelli LM, Rossi A, Meumann N, Boyd RF, Bartoe JT, Siedlecki J, Gerhardt MJ, Babutzka S, Bogedein J, Wagner JE, Priglinger SG, Biel M, Petersen-Jones SM, Büning H, Michalakis S: Novel AAV capsids for intravitreal gene therapy of photoreceptor disorders. EMBO Mol Med e13392, 2021.
  • Böhm S*, Splith V*, Riedmayr LM, Rotzer RD, Gasparoni G, Nordstrom KJV, Wagner JE, Hinrichsmeyer KS, Walter J, Wahl-Schott C, Fenske S, Biel M, Michalakis S, Becirovic E: A gene therapy for inherited blindness using dCas9-VPR-mediated transcriptional activation. Sci Adv 6: eaba5614, 2020.
  • Fischer MD*, Michalakis S*, Wilhelm B, Zobor D, Muehlfriedel R, Kohl S, Weisschuh N, Ochakovski GA, Klein R, Schoen C, Sothilingam V, Garcia-Garrido M, Kuehlewein L, Kahle N, Werner A, Dauletbekov D, Paquet-Durand F, Tsang S, Martus P, Peters T, Seeliger M, Bartz-Schmidt KU, Ueffing M, Zrenner E, Biel M*, Wissinger B*: Safety and Vision Outcomes of Subretinal Gene Therapy Targeting Cone Photoreceptors in Achromatopsia: A Nonrandomized Controlled Trial. JAMA Ophthalmol 138: 643-651, 2020.
  • Petersen-Jones SM, Occelli LM, Winkler PA, Lee W, Sparrow JR, Tsukikawa M, Boye SL, Chiodo V, Capasso JE, Becirovic E, Schön C, Seeliger MW, Levin AV, Michalakis S, Hauswirth WW, Tsang SH: Patients and animal models of CNGbeta1-deficient retinitis pigmentosa support gene augmentation approach. J Clin Invest 128: 190-206, 2018.
  • Burkard M, Kohl S, Kratzig T, Tanimoto N, Brennenstuhl C, Bausch AE, Junger K, Reuter P, Sothilingam V, Beck SC, Huber G, Ding XQ, Mayer AK, Baumann B, Weisschuh N, Zobor D, Hahn GA, Kellner U, Venturelli S, Becirovic E, Charbel Issa P, Koenekoop RK, Rudolph G, Heckenlively J, Sieving P, Weleber RG, Hamel C, Zong X, Biel M, Lukowski R, Seeliger MW, Michalakis S, Wissinger B, Ruth P: Accessory heterozygous mutations in cone photoreceptor CNGA3 exacerbate CNG channel-associated retinopathy. J Clin Invest 128: 5663-5675, 2018.
  • Perera A, Eisen D, Wagner M, Laube SK, Künzel AF, Koch S, Steinbacher J, Schulze E, Splith V, Mittermeier N, Müller M, Biel M, Carell T, Michalakis S: TET3 is recruited by REST for context-specific hydroxymethylation and induction of gene expression. Cell Rep 11:283-94, 2015.
  • Pfaffeneder T, Spada F, Wagner M, Brandmayr C, Laube SK, Eisen D, Truss M, Steinbacher J, Hackner B, Kotljarova O, Schuermann D, Michalakis S, Kosmatchev O, Schiesser S, Steigenberger B, Raddaoui N, Kashiwazaki G, Müller U, Spruijt CG, Vermeulen M, Leonhardt H, Schar P, Müller M, Carell T: Tet oxidizes thymine to 5-hydroxymethyluracil in mouse embryonic stem cell DNA. Nat Chem Biol 10: 574-81, 2014.
  • Michalakis S*, Mühlfriedel R*, Tanimoto N, Krishnamoorthy V, Koch S, Fischer MD, Becirovic E, Bai L, Huber G, Beck SC, Fahl E, Büning H, Paquet-Durand F, Zong X, Gollisch T, Biel M, Seeliger MW: Restoration of cone vision in the CNGA3-/- mouse model of congenital complete lack of cone photoreceptor function. Mol Ther 18: 2057-63, 2010.
    *equal contribution, #corresponding authors