Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 152

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Early Career Support

Young scientists participating in the CRC benefit from the interdisciplinary approach combining molecular cell biology, biochemistry biophysics, advanced imaging, genetic rodent models, iPS cell technology and medicinal chemistry, bridging the gap between basic cellular research, (patho)physiology and translational approaches. Although the CRC-TRR152 does not intend to set up an integrated PhD Program, the consortium strives to create and foster a strong corporate identity of this CRC. While the doctoral candidates officially obtain their degree from the different faculties at the academic partner sites, we implement a host of measures to qualify young rearchers. We integrate our young scientists horizontally between the three university sites and vertically within a given academic location.

Horizontal integration ist achieved by:

  • web-based video communication to disseminate lectures and seminars throughout the network. For instance, seminars of distinguished external and internal, national and international spreakers are mandatory for all members of the CRC and are organized as video-conferences.
  • interdisciplinary practical courses offered by the participating academic partners.
  • lab rotations at participating university sites. This measure broadens the horizon of the young scientists and allows them to benefit from the wealth of scientific opportunities at different universities.
  • Young Investigator Day (held in the framework of the CRC Annual Meeting) provides young researchers with the opportunity to report on the progress of their work by means of posters or oral presentations. 

Vertical integration at one univeristy site is achieved by local training programs consisting of practical work in the laboratory, progress reports, journal clubs and local CRC seminars.

All doctoral candidates are encouraged to present their results at international conferences to have the chance of international exposure and networking early on in their career.