Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 152

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P20 - The role of TRP channels in heat acclimation

Heat acclimation (HA) is an adaptive process that improves heat tolerance. Our recent data indicates that leptin receptor-expressing (POALepR) neurons in the hypothalamic preoptic area acquire the ability to fire action potentials tonically ––and autonomously–– upon long-term HA. This pacemaker-like property is indispensable for mice to become heat resilient. Our preliminary data suggest that TRPC5-containing channels are required initially to support plastic changes in POALepR neurons early on, while TRPM4-dependent calcium oscillations support the persistent POA neuron activity at later stages of HA. Our goal is to dissect the function of TRP channels in neuronal plasticity driving HA and heat resilience.

Jan Siemens

Prof. Dr. Jan Siemens

University of Heidelberg