Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 152

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P26 - Investigating the mechanisms and dynamics of TRPC channel activation with pharmacological high-precision tools

TRPC5 and TRPC6 channels are non-selective, receptor-operated cation channels which have emerged as drug targets. In this project, we aim to elucidate the mechanisms and dynamics of TRPC5/6 channel activation. We hypothesize that different channel activators and modulators induce distinct channel conformations and that lipids are central TRPC channel regulators. To detect distinct protein movements, we will use intramolecular dynamic FRET and we are developing high-precision pharmacological tools that can be switched ON/OFF with light to determine the exact channel dynamics. Our in-depth analysis of TRPC channel regulation will lay the foundation for the development of novel pharmaceuticals.

David Konrad

Dr. rer. nat. David Konrad

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

+49 89 2180 77278

Ursula Storch

PD Dr. rer. nat. Ursula Storch

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München